Baked some cup spongecakes today to ease my cravings for cake! Can get a nice photo on a cupcake alone, so post this photo 1st... Will add in more photos if available! Thanks for viewing! ;)

Just baked these cup spongecakes... tho looks far from what's selling in Crystal Jade Bread but the taste is really nice and soft! All thanks to Hugbear's recipe! My kids loved them, esp my little girl will ask for more & more.
Heehee... rem a joke by vevey! Haaahaa...
Mum: Auntie Cherie is baking some spongecakes for you!
Jx: What will happened if I eat sponge, mummy?
Mum: Then you will become SPONGEBOB lor...
Recipe (Quoted: HugBear)
4 eggs
100g cake flour
100g castor sugar
12g spongecake stabliser
25ml milk
90g melted butter
1. Put all the ingredients except the melted butter into a mixing bowl. Beat everything on high for at least 7 mins until ribbon stage. This means that if you use your whisk with batter to write an "8" on the batter won't sink in but will appear visible for a while. This will be the right constitency for your batter. Add in the melted butter at this point. Mix thoroughly.
2. Line some waxed papercups with baking paper. Pour batter into the lined cups abt 3/4 full and bake it in a preheated oven at 190C for about 20 mins. When done, remove the cake from the cup immediately and leave it on wire rack to cool.
To line the cup, cut out some baking paper or greased proof paper in square or rectangle shape. Roll it loosely like the kacang puteh style and push it into the cup. Adjust as necessary.
My comments for this bake:
1) Very easy to do recipe. Follow closely & you can't get it wrong! ;)
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