This dragonfruit drink is "originated" by my DH! Haahaa... He is a dragonfruits fan! Whenever we visit Malaysia, he is sure to buy back lots of dragonfruits! Dunno why he suddenly got such a mood to make a drink out of it!
(* Sorry for the ugly pictures as Dh thinks it is "bo liao" to take photos of what he is doing! So just managed to get some snap shots!)

Recipe? No need lah! Just cut some dragonfruits, peel off the skin & throw them into the blender! Blend, blend, blend! Not sweet enough? Add honey lor! ;p
But be careful hor, dun happy happy add too much honey just to sweeten the drink! Yucky coz the drink tasted funny w the "overdozed" of honey! End up, dh had to "throw" in more dragonfruits to strengthen up the taste again!
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