Okie enough of my "successful" bread, wanna take a look of my failed breads? Yucky huh! Sob sob....

Latest Update: This bread is still soft after 2 days, 3rd day soft & still edible. But no chance to go to 4th day lah, all eaten up already! Haaahaaa....
Recipe (Quoted: Lee Lee)
480g Bread flour
120g Plain flour
110g Caster sugar (I used more sugar)
20g Milk powder
4 tsp/12.4g Dry yeast
1 Egg
300ml Cold water
60g Unsalted butter
10g Salt
1. Mix (A) till well blended (just use a spoon to stir to mix well). Add (B) to form a dough. Add in (C) and knead until dough is elastic and smooth.
2. Gather dough to form a ball and cover dough with cling wrap and let it rest for abt 50-60 mins or double in size.
3. Divide dough into portions of 50g or 60g each. Shape into balls and leave it to rest for abt 10 mins. Roll out dough and wrap with desired fillings. Shape as required and let it proof on lined or greased baking tray for another 50-60mins or until dough is double in size.
4. Egg wash dough and sprinkle some shredded cheese and dried parsley on it. Bake dough at 180-190ÂșC for abt 12 mins.
My comments for this bake:
1) Being "stupid/slow", I din realised that one of my failure is due to, baking a big dough so end up with this flopped bread. (All thanks to dh who had "enlightened" me! :"p)
2) The dough will be sticky on hand but dun worry as you can just "peel" them off & stick back to the dough. Heehee....
3) Beat the dough using max speed for abt 30mins, well I stopped sometimes to "scape" off some dough which sticks to the mixing bowl. Good to let the mixer "rest" for abt 5mins before continuing! ;)
4) For KA mixer, pls remember to "look after" yr mixer while mixing at max speed as the mixer will be will "jumping" and just in case it dropped off the table top!
5) Last but not least, this qn is posed by dh! Why do we need to use COLD water instead of room-temperature water? Errr..... need to find out this for him! He always say: "Must know the theory behind mah!". Well, no choice! Anyone pls help me?!
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