Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm back!

Woah, after being MIA for a week (except occasionally logged in to leave msg).... I'm happy to say that I'm finally back on track to continue my blog! Anyone missed me during my break? Well, this is not really a break for me! Had been more tiring since last thursday when I got this home-based job, doing "proof-reading"...

This p/t job really tired me out! Had been staying up few nights, practically every nights, going thru' THE GREEN BOOK! @_@ Arrggg.... hope my short-sightedness will not worsened after this as I had just made a pair of transitions lens! Well, it will be wasted then! Haahaa...

Anyway, during this time... I still continued to do my baking. Been making bread but was not successful! Finally, today I managed to bake a nice looking & edible bread! Will post up very soon! :)

Well, 休息是为了走更长的路! "Rested" enough & I should continued with my journey of exploring good food! Many thanks to readers, who dropped by to check for posts & esp those who had leave comments here, during those days when I MIA! Will continued to do better!

But just a remind again, you will not be seeing beautiful pictures of food here, but instead what you see here are the try-outs of my hard works & achievements (if any)! Heeheee.....

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