Verdict: Dh is the only one who get to taste this cake. His comment was, this is the best cake from what I had previously did! Haahaa... Yeah, he say overall the cake tasted vv nice, the jelly is a bit sour but goes well with the cake! What maked me happy is, he finished up the whole pc of cake! 1 pc consider very good already as he is not a cake-lover! Norm, he only took a bite & that's all! He asked for another pc the following day! Hmmm...
Recipe (Quoted: HugBear)
Ingredients for Sponge
4 eggs
100g cake flour
100g castor sugar
12g spongecake stabliser
20ml water
90g melted butter
Method for Sponge
1. Put all the ingredients except the melted butter into a mixing bowl. Beat everything on high for about 6 mins or until fluffy & creamy. Add in butter and mix well.
2. Pour into a 9" x 9" lined square tin and bake at 200C for 10-15 mins.
3. When cake is cool, cut away top layer and then into two pieces.
Ingredients for Mango Fillings
300g mango puree
13g gelatine powder
1/2tsp mango essence
a few drops of yellow colouring
300g diary whipping cream whipped to a soft peak
Method for Mango Fillings
1. Boil mango puree and gelatine powder until gelatine dissoved. Leave it to cool down.
2. Mix the whipped cream into the mango puree mixture. Add in mango essence and colouring. Mix well.
3. In a cake ring, put one layer of cake in it. Pour half the filling into it and top it off with another layer of cake. Press gently on the top layer of cake and then pour in the rest of the filling.
4. Chilled in fridge for at least 2 hrs before serving.
For the Jelly part:
You can either make a clear jelly (the normal agar agar jelly) and pour over the fresh mango and leave it to harden. Or you can decorate your cake with fresh mango and fruits and boil 50g of natural glazing gel with 50ml of water and brush this gel mixture over yr fruits to give it the geelak geelak effect (shiny effect).
My comments for this bake:
1) The sponge cake part is very similar to the cup spongecake recipe. It's easy as we just "throw" all ingredients except butter and mixed till creamy & fluffy!
2) Cutting the spongecake into half needs skill! Saw my "spoilt" cake? Yeah, due to my lousy slicing skills, you can see that some parts had "dropped" off. ;"p
I love the heart shape mango cake! I just bought the heart shape cake tin from Phoon Huat for $16! I need to put this into good use. Haha.. Off to save the recipe... Thx for sharing!
Glad to know that u like the mango cake! This is the only successful cake which made from mango. Haahaa... U can check out on my other mango recipes too, they r great but dun mind the lousy photos! Heehee...
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